Activity Buses
Our transportation department offers four activity buses for students staying after school for any reason, whether it's getting help from a teacher or attending a meeting for a club. The buses start the first week of school and run Monday-Friday, leaving promptly at 4:10 PM. There are four buses: north, south, east and central. They line up by the auditorium doors, in the order listed. Signs are posted on the buses to allow students to identify which bus is theirs.
There is also a bus run at 6:00 PM for students that participate in sports and follow the same routes as the 4:10 PM bus.
They are open to all students. Drivers may ask to see an ID, so students should have their student ID's with them. Parents should allow up to an hour for buses to finish their routes. Activity bus routes will follow the same routes as our 10th Hour Buses. To identify which bus your student should take, please read through the four bus routes listed below.
We hope these buses allow students to stay involved at Grant Community High School. For any questions about activity buses, please contact the Transportation Department at (847) 973-3451.