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Career Sites

Career Cruising Career Cruising is a comprehensive interactive career reference guide available on the Internet.  It provides: an interest assessment, in depth occupation profiles, multimedia informational interviews, comprehensive college and university information and career portfolio tool and resume builder. User Name: Grant Password: Community Use own email/password to create personal login.


Career Cluster Videos  Videos show the types of work people do in nearly 550 careers, organized by the 16 career clusters recognized by the U.S. Department of Education.


College View  This site has a very strong “Career Center” which contains a career search, career directory, career profiles, resume tips as well as a Military Career Index. It also has college and financial aid components, which include multimedia college tours.


Northern IL University Lists the careers that can be pursued with specific majors as well as resume templates for various careers.


Occupational Outlook Handbook There are three ways to find out about career information on this site: by specific occupation, by cluster or by reviewing an alphabetical list of all occupations.


Career One Stop  This site had great information on careers by occupation, industry and education. Research careers based on fastest growing by area, employment trends, and companies with largest workforce by area. Watch career videos and get up to date information on careers.


O*Net  Great tool for career exploration and job analysis.


Illinois WorkNet  A Day in the Life video highlighting various careers across industries.


My Next Move  What do you want to do for a living? Tools to help you figure out your next move.


My Future  Information on Careers, College and Military. My Pathways, an interactive tool, helps you decide on a plan for after high school with lots of resources in a variety of different areas.