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Dance Policies

School dances are designed to provide a healthy, safe environment for students to socialize and enjoy being together. The Student Discipline Code will be in effect and enforced at all school dances. The following procedures have been established to allow the continuation of dances and to ensure the enjoyment and safety of all students at school dances:

  • Dancing must be appropriate and in good taste. “Face to face and leave some space.” Students who are acting or dancing inappropriately will be taken to a sponsor/administrator and may be removed from the dance.
  • Inappropriately dressed students will not be admitted to school dances. Students admitted who later change to inappropriate clothing will be asked to leave the dance. (Please see Dress Code)
  • Upon entry the student must show their current student identification card.
  • For on campus dances, students are only admitted into the dance during the first hour and a half. For Prom, all students must utilize school-provided transportation.
  • Students are required to leave coats, purses, bags etc. in the designated coat check area.
  • Students are encouraged to refrain from bringing valuables to dances.
  • If a student leaves during the dance, he/she will not be allowed to re-enter the dance.
  • Regular high school behavior policies apply to all school dances.
  • Students asked to leave dances must leave school property. When students are asked to leave, a reasonable attempt to notify their parents/guardians will be made, regardless of the hour.
  • Any student on suspension may not participate in school dances (or other school activities).
  • In order to be allowed to participate in Prom activities, on the day of Prom, students must be on record as being in school for a full day of attendance.
  • All Student Responsibility Policies and School Discipline Policies related to tobacco, drugs, alcohol, etc. will be strictly enforced at all dances. 


It is the policy of GCHS to place the responsibility for dress and grooming in the hands of students and parents. However, the school will enforce reasonable standards based on health, safety, decency, and good taste. Students are expected to dress appropriately for school dances. GCHS dances are considered semi-formal or formal events. Students who do not adhere to the dress code policy will not be permitted to participate in the dance.

The following items of dress are prohibited:

  • Dresses and tops that reveal an excessive amount of cleavage or a bare midriff (No two piece dresses that expose the midriff at any time.)
  • Skirts that are above finger length when hands rest at sides
  • Skirts that have slits which reveal skin above finger length when hands rest at sides
  • Jeans, t-shirts, undershirts or other casual attire (The removal of dress shirts is prohibited.)
  • Sag pants. Pants are expected to be worn at waist level
  • Hats, sunglasses, or head coverings (not of a religious nature)
  • Clothing that displays an insignia or sign which shows disrespect for any race, creed, color, or nationality
  • Clothing that displays obscene or suggestive phrases, immoral or illegal behavior.
  • Cult or gang apparel. This includes, but is not limited to, displayed handkerchiefs, pant leg restrictions, and any other dress deemed inappropriate by the Dean of Students
  • Clothing, jewelry, or accessories that advertise or promote alcohol, tobacco, or illegal substances
  • Clothing with an excessive amount of holes, rips, or tears above the knees
  • Clothing or accessories that are disruptive or pose a safety hazard. This includes, but is not limited to, tattoos, jewelry, and bags
  • Bullet/Metal belts, rings fitting more than one finger, wallet chains, heavy neck chains.
  • Items covering the face


GCHS students may invite a guest who is of high school age but no older than 20. The following guidelines must be followed to bring an out-of-school guest to a GCHS dance:

  • Student and their out-of-school guest must complete the guest dance form prior to purchasing tickets. Forms are available in the front office.
  • All guests must show a picture ID at the door. The ID must either be a school ID, State ID or Driver’s License.
  • Out-of-school guests are expected to arrive at the dance and remain with their host while attending the dance.
  • Administration reserves the right to refuse out-of-school guests to enter the dances for any reason.
  • Out-of-school guests must follow all school rules.