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Attendance Policy

PHONE:  847.587.2266          EMAIL:


Regular attendance and punctuality are expected of all students.

According to Illinois School Code 26-2A of the Illinois School Code, valid cause for absence is considered under the following circumstances: illness, observances of a religious holiday, death in the immediate family, family emergency, circumstances that cause reasonable concern for the safety or health of the student, recovery from an accident, required court attendance, professional appointments, and other situations approved by school officials. Vacations and doctors’ appointments are encouraged to be scheduled outside of the school day whenever possible.  Examples of unexcused absences include, but are not limited to, the following: oversleeping, missing the bus, working, leaving campus without permission, and other situations as determined by the Superintendent or designee.


  • REPORTING AN ABSENCE- Dial 847.587.2266 ext. 1. Please contact the attendance office before 9am each day your student is absent from school.  
  • REPORTING A TARDY- Dial 847.587.2266 ext. 2. Students are required to be in school and arrive on time every day. If you need to report your student tardy due to an illness or appointment please call the attendance office before 9am.  Students who arrive tardy without a call for an excused reason will be considered late, receive a detention, and may be sent to the deans for disciplinary action. (See tardy policy below)
  • Off Campus Release/Pre-arranged Absence- dial 847.587.2266 ext 3- Parents requesting early release of their student must first contact the Attendance Office (at least 60 minutes ahead, if possible) to verify his/her departure.  Students are required to have a blue off campus pass in order to leave class and/or campus.  The student is responsible for informing teachers and securing assignments prior to the absence.  Unless the student drives to and from school, the parent is expected to report to the Attendance Office for verification of release at the time of pickup.  Examples of pre-arranged absences include but are not limited to:  Medical /dental appointments, court appearances, family vacation, and college visits (with counselor approval).


First Period Tardies
All students more than ten minutes tardy to their first period class must report to the Attendance Office to sign in and get a pass (while following the below protocol).  Students less than ten minutes late must report to their first period class.
Tardies to Class during the School Day
A student entering a class with a valid pass will not be counted as tardy. Students without a pass will be marked as unexcused tardy and remain in class. At the start of each semester, Tier One tardy interventions will be handled as follows:
1.    First Tardy: Classroom teacher will record in Skyward and conference with the student
2.    Second Tardy: Classroom teacher will record in Skyward and assign detention
3.    Third Tardy: Classroom teacher will record, assign detention, and notify parent/guardian
4.    Subsequent Tardies: Student will be referred to the Dean’s Office
Students who report to class more than 5 minutes late should be referred to the Dean’s Office.
Whole School Tardy Policy
The Dean’s office will monitor student's tardies and the following interventions will be provided if students do not respond to classroom interventions. Interventions may include but are not limited to the following:
1.    Tier One Interventions- handled by classroom teacher
2.    Tier Two Interventions- (4-6 Tardies) conference with dean’s, detention, and education on the importance of arriving to class on time.
3.    Tier Three Interventions- (7-10 Tardies)- Tier two interventions, parent meeting, loss of privileges, and behavioral contract.
4.    Tier Four Interventions- (11+ Tardies)- Tier Three Interventions, mentoring, social probation, and escorts.


Students who miss 5% or more of the prior 180 regular school days without valid cause (a recognized excuse) are considered chronic truants. Students who are chronic truants will be offered support services and resources aimed at correcting the truancy issue.

If chronic truancy persists after support services and other resources are made available, the school and district may take further action, including:

  • Referral to the truancy officer
  • Reporting to officials under the Juvenile Court Act
  • Referral to the State's Attorney
  • Appropriate school discipline

A parent or guardian who knowingly and willfully permits a child to be truant is in violation of State law.


A student who is ill during the school day should inform their teacher immediately. A pass to the Nurse’s office will be written and the nurse will then determine the next course of action for the student.


Students leaving school unexcused or as a result of an illness will not be eligible to participate in practice, games, or activities that day.  Students who are ill and arrive to school before half the school day is over will have their eligibility determined by administration.


Students must be in possession of their school ID at all times (a photo of the ID on your phone is acceptable). Students will be expected to produce their ID upon request from any faculty or staff member.  Failure to comply may result in disciplinary action.  If an ID is lost or defaced a new card may be obtained in the attendance office for a replacement cost of $5.00.  Student IDs are needed in the following locations: cafeteria, academic and testing labs, library, bookstore, school bus, after school activities, etc.