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Jazz Band

Jazz Band is an extra-curricular ensemble that is open to students who have interest and ability, who are good standing members in the band program, and who demonstrate good self-discipline.  The Jazz Band performs music in diverse styles of the jazz idiom including swing, rock, funk, Latin, fusion and pop at various venues throughout the school year.

Marching Band

The Marching Band is a co-curricular ensemble that performs at all home football games, several marching competitions, local parades, and Grant Pep Rallies.  The Marching Band rehearses throughout the summer as well as in the evenings during the school year. Students choose whether or not they are involved in summer and outside of school rehearsals! 

Pep Band

The Pep Band is an extra-curricular ensemble that performs at home basketball games.

Pit Orchestra

Pit Orchestra is an extra-curricular ensemble that prepares and performs the instrumental accompaniment for the annual GCHS musical produciton.  The number of students involved varies dependent on the instrumentation necessary for each musical.

Sponsor:  Ellen Skolar
Phone: (847) 973-3777

Activity Photo