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Future Ready

Vision for a Future Ready School
Future Ready

Back in 2016, Grant Community High School District 124 signed the Future Ready Schools Pledge. At that time, we committed to continuously create learner-centered environments as part of that pledge, which helps support our goal of the Bulldog Way to improve student achievement. Our vision as a Future Ready School is to develop students who are college, career, and life ready. Included as part of this vision and the Future Ready School pledge are the following: 

  • To provide rigorous academic content for all students to build life skills where curriculum, instruction, and assessment are tightly aligned with and designed to engage students in personalized, technology-empowered, deeper learning experiences. 
  • To empower students to lead and to take ownership over their growth and learning, which could include but is not limited to: digital learning communities, collaborative learning, better use of formative and self-assessments, and experiences that eliminate the confines of geography and time. 
  • To help families and students transition to anytime, anywhere learning where the school will create technology-enabled environments and maintain a laser focus on the effective educational use of technology. 

Future Ready students are students who: 

  • learn anytime, anywhere. 
  • create meaningful projects and artifacts. 
  • collaborate with other learners and connect with experts without barriers. 
  • use feedback from peers and teachers for reflection and growth. 
  • learn seamlessly inside and outside of school. 
  • achieve mastery through perseverance. 
  • question, research, and solve problems that can have an impact beyond the classroom. 
  • think critically, create, and present their position to an authentic audience. 
  • respond thoughtfully, carefully, and respectfully to others, both in person and online. 
  • uncover and develop their own passions. 
  • cultivate empathy for others. 
  • act as productive, contributing (digital) citizens. 
  • understand that their work and actions are a reflection of them as an individual.