Service Learning
Service learning courses are designed to prepare students for future employment in a variety of career pathways. Students earn elective credits developing workplace skills in core employability competencies while serving as office aides, academic tutors, peer mentors, or as career interns placed with local partners, including the school district. Participating students are expected to demonstrate a strong work ethic, reliability, adaptability, and personal growth as a result of these authentic, hands-on experiences.
Student Aide
Prerequisite: Good academic and disciplinary standing, strong attendance record, counselor referral, application process
Grade level: 11, 12
Course length: one semester
Course credit: .25-.5
Peer Mentor
Prerequisite: Good academic and disciplinary standing, strong attendance record, staff referral, application process
Grade level: 12
Course length: one semester
Course credit: .25-.5
Academic Tutor
Prerequisite: Good academic and disciplinary standing, strong attendance record, teacher referral, application process
Grade level: 11, 12
Course length: one semester Course credit: .25-.5
Career Internship
Prerequisite: Good academic and disciplinary standing, strong attendance record, counselor referral, application process
Grade level: 12
Course length: one semester
Course credit: .5