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GCHS Foundation

History of the Foundation

The Grant Community High School Foundation (formerly Partnership for Academic Excellence) was formed in 1985 to enrich opportunities for students.  The Foundation provides assistance for school-related expenses for students whose families are in financial need, scholarships for outstanding student achievements in academics, athletics, leadership, public service, and the performing arts, and funds for instructional technologies and innovative classroom projects.  The Foundation is governed by an independent Board of Directors.  The Annual Gala Dinner Dance, held the first Saturday in November, is the primary source of fundraising for the Foundation.   Volunteers donate their time, energy and resources so that our students may benefit from these outstanding opportunities.


The Grant Community High School Foundation is organized exclusively for charitable and educational purposes under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code.  The Foundation shall not engage in any activities that are not in furtherance of the charitable and educational purposes for which it was established under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code.  


The Grant Community High School Foundation will provide assistance for school-related expenses for students whose families are in financial need, provide scholarship opportunities, provide funds for instructional classroom technology and innovative classroom projects, and other charitable and educational purposes for the sole benefit of Grant Community High School’s students.

Board of Directors:

Dr. Christy Sefcik, President
Michelle Soenksen, Secretary
Beth Reich, Treasurer
Sharon Burr, Director
Kathy Kusiak, Director
Shelly Booth, Director


The Gala Dinner Dance is the primary source of revenue for all activities funded by the Foundation.  If you are looking for a way to be involved at Grant, this is a wonderful opportunity.  The Gala Committee meets monthly, beginning in March, with meetings becoming more frequent as we near the event, which is always the first Saturday in November.  There are many opportunities on the Committee – leadership, fundraising, organizing, recruiting, event promotion, event setup, and much more. 

As a volunteer committee led primarily by parents, it is critical that we have representation from parents of freshman, sophomores, juniors, and seniors.  As the students of Gala Committee members graduate, parents understandably wish to pass on Committee representation to those with current students.

If you are interested in volunteering in any capacity, you are encouraged to contact Dr. Christy Sefcik at (847)587-7940 or  Thank you for your consideration in volunteering!        


The Foundation is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization.  Individuals and businesses may make gifts and receive a tax deduction.  Businesses may give direct gifts as well as gifts of inventory, equipment, or materials.  Many employers offer a “Matching Gift” program to 501(c)(3) organizations.  Your gift to the Foundation may qualify to be matched by your employer.  You are encouraged to check with your employer.  The success of the Foundation is largely dependent on the generosity of Grant Community High School District 124 stakeholders.